Drive Product Sales and Build Brand Engagement with Incentivaze™

Getting to the digital or physical cash register as a brand is hard these days. With so many channels, decisions, competing brands, and roadblocks along the path to purchase, engaging and converting consumers keep many brand marketers up at night.  

Engaging shoppers can be as easy as buying, getting, and receiving with a custom rewards program. Getting to the digital or physical cash register as a brand is hard these days. With so many channels, decisions, competing brands, and roadblocks along the path to purchase, engaging and converting consumers keep many brand marketers up at night. Especially in the age of COVID, subsequent optimization of online shopping and digital media and standing out in the crowd matters more than ever. And, launching that award-winning campaign or activation takes time, and deeper investment, something many marketers can’t afford. 

A reward program like Incentivaze is the perfect solution for supporting omnichannel marketing and sales goals in real-time while bringing value to your customers and retail partners. 

But first, about reward programs... 

Reward programs can be BOGO (buy one, get one) or more extensive customer loyalty programs based on repetitive brand engagement, like Chipotle’s rewards program (free guac!). A shopper engages in an activity and then gets rewarded. 

Loyalty programs have become popular but can involve quite a bit of investment and management (read: extensive timelines and bigger budgets). At Bloomaze®, we’ve found a sweet spot in the reward program landscape we developed, called Incentivaze, our one-off proprietary shopper marketing solution for quickly activating shoppers in-store or online. 

More about Incentivaze… 

With an Incentivaze reward program, shoppers see an in-store display or digital ad, redeem a purchase receipt on a custom branded website and get a reward for their purchase behavior, hence the name. Rewards can come in the form of a gift card, digital code, or even a physical reward. Programs are typically one-off and can be designed to launch around specific business goals or seasonal milestones. They can even be retailer specific. Need to make a bigger splash at a retailer for a product rollout? Want to help move inventory? Getting pressured to get your fantastic product in the hands of people who wouldn’t recognize it on the shelf next to the sea of other products otherwise? 

Incentivaze reward programs efficiently help connect brands to consumers by driving awareness and interest in-store and online and delivering an easy-to-use redemption experience, converting to brand loyalty. In turn, brands can easily support new product launches or marketing campaigns, activate new audiences and drive retail traffic in-store and online. 

Even better, a lot of technical stuff goes on in the background of reward programs, such as receipt processing and validation, error messaging, and customer support. Oh, and the reward, of course! We know clients just do not have enough time for these things, especially if it means coordinating multiple vendors. So, we’ve integrated it all into our end-to-end software solution built on UX/UI best practices to create a seamless, user-friendly reward and brand experience. 

Incentivaze can handle everything a program may need, including in-store creative, digital media, and legal requirements. 

Did we say easy? 

Not motivated to secure a custom rewards program for your brand yet? Here are seven more reasons.

1. People like rewards 

Consumers not only enjoy getting rewarded but also expect to get rewarded for brand engagement. According to Salesforce, 78% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand with a rewards or loyalty program (2021 data). In a landscape where there are endless ways to shop – whether that be in-store, online, or through a gaming app – a well-designed rewards program can be the differentiating factor that brings repeat customers back to a brand to spend their hard-earned money. 

2. Reward programs generate sales without devaluing or discounting the product 

Traditional product promotions and reward programs usually involve discounting a product or giving two for one, which works, until a consumer is conditioned to the price cut. A reward program gets to avoid that price dance while still adding value for the consumer. 

3. Incentivaze can help elevate a campaign and brand messaging 

There’s only so much you can do on in-store displays and circular ads when it comes to creative and brand messaging. A dedicated landing page or microsite allows for more brand messaging and content opportunities, such as video content, games, recipes, and more. You can even combine your custom reward program with the added excitement of sweepstakes that users can enter during their visit. Plus, a digital platform supplies an opportunity for more functionality, such as e-commerce, social sharing, and other technology integrations. 

4. Reward programs drive traffic to retailers and increase share of basket 

As shopper marketers say, “Happy retailer, happy life.” (J/K, we made that up... sort of.) With a reward goal in mind, shoppers are likelier to visit a retailer’s brick-and-mortar stores or online sites. In cases where a digital reward or gift card is provided, like a retailer gift card, the rewards may even incentivize shoppers to return to a retailer for more shopping. The Incentivaze solution also offers a map feature so users can find a participating store near them, supplying a direct link for retailer traffic. Once at the point of purchase, consumers have also been shown to buy more of a brand’s products than required by the offer, as much as 60%+ more. 

5. They increase store feature and display 

More traffic to a retailer, results in more retailer interest in featuring and displaying brand promotions. Programs can be activated for specific retailers or scaled out across multiple chains to support retailer marketing efforts and relationships. 

6. They can help you collect valuable first party data 

Our Incentivaze platform not only creates a seamless digital reward experience; it also offers secure reporting and allows you to collect valuable data on those purchasing your brand (location of purchase, basket size, other products in their basket, etc.). The digital platform can also seek consumer feedback through tools like online surveys. Getting information from consumers is gold to brand marketers and inserting data collection at the right point of the funnel in the right way can satisfy larger business and marketing goals and solidify brand loyalty. 

7. Incentivaze provides a cohesive and easy redemption program 

Nothing can be more frustrating to a shopper than wanting to participate in a sales promotion only to be met with challenges along the way. Utilizing a digital experience such as Incentivaze allows a brand more control over the reward experience by using principles of UX/UI and gives us a way to brand the promotion along the way cohesively. 

The Incentivaze, rewards and loyalty solution, offers a variety of campaign opportunities to reach consumers while driving full-price sales through meaningful engagement with the brand and its product. See how brands are seeing sales lift as high as 40% during the promotional period. Schedule an introductory call today to learn more.


Execute Unique Rewards Campaigns with Incentivaze™